Competence based assessment

What is Competence based Assessment?

Competence based Assessments are a standard and scientific method used to measure individuals’ cognitive capabilities and non-cognitive- behavioural style. Competence based Assessments are designed to measure candidates’ appropriateness for a role based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities). They identify the extent to which candidates’ personality and mental abilities match those required to perform the role. Employers use the information collected from the Competence based Assessment to identify the hidden aspects of candidates that are difficult to extract from a face-to-face interview.

Executive Coaching Centre in Bangalore

Ready Competence based Assessment:

Alongside your technical team or hiring managers during recruitment, our online Competence based Assessment will aid you in identifying STAR performers for your company. Use our latest technical and aptitude tests for recruitment process. Each assessment is diligently created and verified by subject matter experts (Psychologists).

Systematic Team Coaching

Fast & Easy Pre-Hire Testing:

Convenient to use URL Link based assessment or exe setup, robust campus testing solution, advanced web-proctoring, custom tests, simulation-based tests, hiring analytics and an application programming interface – API Integrations make your campus screening fast & easy.

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Why do employers use Competence based assessment ?

Seamless Application Tracking System Integration

Our super easy to integrate with any modern technologies. Add a1000 in your current recruitment to test candidates for non-cognitive skills.

Owing Support

Ask us for customized tests for your specific job profiles, our friendly support team is ready to assist you at all levels of pre-hire screening.